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homonumos magazine

23 juin 2007

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23 décembre 2006

Mot sur Bourges et Noel

cricri_blows_kisses_arbre_de_noel_r_smlhomonumos magazine in Bourges-France show: [Labox] | : : COMMUNICATION : : |

Hola a todos

Souhaits de bonheur, de santé et, beaucoup de livres publiés! Nous avons été choisi pour particier à une exposition de revue d'art à Bourges France.

Félicitations à tous :)

Milles remerciements à tous nos auteurs/écrivains, à nos lecteurs, à ceux qui nous soutiennent.


Christine (cricri) Bellerose

homonumos magazine

Une présentation de documents sur l’art contemporain
(revues, magazines, sites internet, communiqués de presse)
+ des travaux de Davide Bertocchi et Julia Varga

du 18 décembre 2006 au 13 janvier 2007
ouverture le lundi 18 décembre 2006 de 17h à 19h
finissage le mercredi 10 janvier 2007 à 18h

3 décembre 2006

Un mot de la rédactrice: traitant de la perspective, du chêne, et du bambou

La perspective est une représentation mentale. Elle jette ses fondements sur des bases biologiques tel que l'environnement. Un individu doit décoder les messages que ses sens perçoivent. Et ses perceptions vont être transformées pour se faire à la culture et la société dans lesquelles vit cet individu. De plus ses perspectives vont s'imprégner des croyances morales et éthiques, propre à cet individu.

Ici je ne suis pas en Chine : "Ici," je suis moi par rapport à l'endroit où je me trouve. Des centaines d'individus peuplent le "ici". Des Chinois, des expatriés, des indigènes, des habitués de la place, des gens en migration, d'autres en transit, des résidants, ceux qui forment la masse normale et ceux qui la déforment.

Une perspective ne peut être que subjective. Même en étant ouverte d'esprit, il m'est toutefois impossible d'affronter la réalité de tous les jours sans l'appui de mes bornes repères.

Ces bornes repères se comparent à de gros câbles qui descendent du plafond. Poussez l'imaginaire et descendez le long d'un câble. Vous glissez ainsi du familier à l’inhospitalier. Arrivé au bout du câble vous vous rendez à l'évidence que ce bout ne tient nulle part. Le câble balaye le plancher. Ainsi les câbles représentent-ils un point de vue qui n'est pas reçu point pour point. La borne repère ne tient plus.

Les propriétés ont un caractère d'invariance. C'est la perception de l'objet extérieur qui change d'une personne à l'autre(…)

Marc Jeannerod, Le Cerveau Intime

Facile à dire, moins facile à suivre. Bien que je m'use à purger mes jugements de ressentiments subjectifs, mes mémoires, mes racines, mes convictions m'y ramènent. La neutralité m'est inaccessible.

<Le sourire exprime le sentiment de l'amitié> <Il exprime le sentiment  d'embarras> <Le sourire est le reflet d'une âme en pleine confiance de soi> <Le niais sourit, le vainqueur aussi, de fierté> <Le sourire plastique, le sourire de connivence, le sourire insolent qui vous défi au combat> <Le sourire plaide son pardon>

"Elle m'irrite. Elle est si hautaine."

Pourquoi ?

"Elle ne sourit jamais ni à personne."

Elle est peut-être timide.

Quelque mois passèrent lorsque la "timide" et moi décidions d'engager une discussion à propos du sourire ou, plus justement du non-sourire. Je me plains des gens qui me dévisagent sans me sourire et qui ne retournent pas mon sourire. Je trouve cela désagréable. "On s'y habitue. Fais comme eux. Moi  je ne souris plus." Ah !  Ma nouvelle amie n'est ni hautaine ni timide. Elle est intégrée.

Le sourire est-il sujet à la culture? Une culture peut-elle avoir tort?

À tort ou à raison, j'habite en Chine depuis six ans. Comme bien d'autres expatriés j'ai dû réorienter mes bornes repères. Et j'ai troqué Descartes pour une méthode de jugement plus souple. Ce que j'ai perdu en certitude absolue, je l'ai gagné en compréhension générale. J'ai adopté la perspective fluide d'une réalité à plusieurs angles. J'ai pris l'habitude d'entrée en conversation en disant :  "et bien, cela dépend..."   

"Vous avez un manque étonnant d'intuition." Une connaissance me fit cette remarque lors de son passage à Pékin. Être ou ne pas être perspicace.  Je me suis sentie mal. Mon argument de bornes repères fluides ne fit aucun effet sur mon compagnon.  Et pourtant moi, j'en suis convaincue. En voici le condensé : nous ne devrions pas faire confiance à nos yeux puisque ce que les gens gardent à l'intérieur se lit mal de l'extérieur. Prétendre le contraire serait avouer que le langage corporel est universel. Ainsi parlent ceux qui ne croient pas aux variantes linguistiques. Tête haute, sourire aux lèvres, j'ai coupé court à cet après-midi délicieux ; j'ai laissé mon compagnon seul,  à son assiette de porc sauce moutarde. A force de ruminements, j'ai trouvé ceci :

"Ce n'est pas à moi d'interpréter ce que vous pensez. Faites votre boulot. Parlez clairement et parlez franc."

À vrai dire, ma perspective sur la Chine diffère de la perception d'une réalité héritée des guides de voyages, des manuels de survie en affaires, des bibles d'histoire, de l'avis des commissaires commerciaux en Chine, des rapports officiels, des documentaires télévisés, de mes étudiants en classe anglais d'affaires, certainement différente de celle de ma voisine, et de celle de ma "ayi"*.

[09:27am, mai 24, mercredi]

Mon monde, ma Chine, mon entourage. Il fait bon sur ma petite terrasse. Mes pieds sont nus. Mon vieux chien s'est assoupi. Je me suis installée devant ma table pliante, assise sur un tabouret en osier Ikea. Dans mon jardin, les oiseaux piaillent, les chats baignent au soleil, un matou patrouille son domaine. Une Barbara pirate chante pour moi sur mon faux Sony DVD. J'ai en main un bol de café au lait (combo Chine Yunnan Mongolie.) Mon Bodum est plein. Je croque une pâtisserie au chocolat allemand qui sent bon la fraîcheur de la boulangerie du matin. Voyez mon oasis loin du chaos de la ville. Ici, je trouve la paix. Ici, c'est mon port de plaisance Mai Zi Dianr. Ici la chambre à coucher de ma voisine, fière de son vêtement de nuit. Ici un urinoir public puant. Ici un lieu de rencontre du club d'âge d'or du quartier où l'on échange bavardage et ragots frais; ici se croisent les chiens. Ici les ayi*s libèrent les enfants de leurs devoirs d'école. Ici un dépotoir. Ici poussent les buissons de roses sauvages et quelques cactus de prix. "Ici pourrait être n'importe où!" Bien, cela dépend. Ici ce n'est pas la Chine. Mais voici ma Chine.

Parlons franchement : qu'importe ce qu'elle est, la seule certitude est qu' "elle" soit. À chacun sa perspective. Puisqu'en réalité elles sont infinies.

Il y a le chêne. Et il y a le bambou.

ayi* bonne à tout faire

24 novembre 2006

Hola Blogspot is un-blocked in China now so I've updated our original blog. PLease see for more info on homonumos. Gracias Christine note:update in French will come soon on this blog address! Je posterai en francais sur canalblog, tres bientot!
7 novembre 2006

Magazine release-Announcing homonumos magazine-Perspective issue no.2

Magazine release

Announcing homônumos magazine

Perspective issue (no.2)

94 pages, violet, 35rmb

Out in Beijing (November 2006)

Available at


Literature philosophy science. The discourse of ideas/an idea. Homônumos is a celebration of the mind at work. In respect to this mission, homônumos is multicultural, multilingual. Made in Beijing China.

Thinking homônumos thoughts events: (

Homônumos magazine

Chief editor, Christine Bellerose

+86 13522722271


Cutting edge thoughts

La pierre angulaire de la pensée


1 novembre 2006


homônumos magazine

The Norm issue (no.1)

60 pages, red, 30rmb

Perspective issue (no.2)

94 pages, purple, 35rmb

Homônumos magazine

Available at

Our distributors:

Addresses at the bottom


The Bookworm

Imagine Gallery

(Beijing 798 Dashanzi)

Red T space


Litou Space

Thinking Hands (DIAF)

(Beijing Houhai)

One Way Street (soon)


Marienbad café


The Bookworm (soon)

If you wish to distribute, or obtain a copy, please email

(Bangkok Thailand, Vancouver Canada, coming soon)

The Bookworm

Eat Drink Read. www.chengdubookworm

In Beijing: yard 4, Sanlitun South Street, Gongti North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R. China.

Tel: (010) 6586 9507,  Fax: (010) 6503 2050

In Chengdu: The Bookworm, Section 4 Renmin Nanlu, No 28 (At the side of the Sunjoy Inn), Postal Code: 610041, Chengdu, P.R. China.

Tel: (028) 8552 0177, Fax: (028) 8552 0717

Imagine Gallery

Imagine Gallery gives the opportunity to international artists to come exchanging an artistic experience in Beijing, including with Exhibitions Shows, Artists in Residency programs, Art projects coordination and management.

Feijiacun Donglu, Laiguangying Donglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100103


Hours: Tue-Sun 10:30am-5:30pm
Tel. 6438-5747 or 13910917965 /

Les E-Cris/The Writhing

French English compilation of erotica novellas written by Christine Bellerose.

The booklet is available through Imagine Gallery


Red T

Beijing-based contemporary culture company bringing exciting talent to the forefront of China’s art and music scenes.


A gallery and company offering friendly advice, investment consulting and introductions to Beijing’s contemporary artist networks. Also offer expert space consulting for pioneering businesses, events or individuals.

Red T Music

Imports and markets cutting edge western music in China. Marketing, licensing and management.

798 Red T Space, P.O.Box 8502, Dashanzi Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, 100015 Beijing, P.R. China.

中国北京朝阳区酒仙桥路4号大山子艺术南区8502信箱798红T空间 100015.

email:,, Tel: +86 10 8911 5762/3


Hong Kong based publisher and distributor of books on contemporary art, architecture, photography and design

400 meters inside Factory 798 on the left Timezone 8 Art Books/Xiandai Shudian Beijing Yishu Shuwu (P.O. Box 8503), No 4 Jiu Xian Qiao Road, Beijing 100015, China. Tel: +86 10 8456 0336, Fax: +8610 6431 1226, Email:

Meishuguan Timezone 8 Art Books/Xiandai Shudian Dongcheng Yishu Shuwu , 24-2a Meishuguan, Dongjie (Next to Sanlian Shudian), Beijing 100012, China.

Tel: +86 10 5400 4427, Fax: +86 10 5400 4427, email:

Litou Space

South Area, Dashanzi Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015. Tel: +85 13520287414

Thinking Hands (DIAF)

Facing At Café P.O. Box 8503, n.4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015 China.

Tel: (86 10) 6438 2797, Fax : (86 10) 6437 9737, email:,

One Way Street (soon)

Marienbad café

Facing the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center

Opening hours: 9:30~24:00. Sundays evening movie projection

Tel: +86 21 5404 2909


1 novembre 2006

Call to authors: submission for homônumos magazine

Latin/Sanskrit/Greek roots. Homônumos means, sharing the same name. "All humans."

Beijing China

homônumos magazine: Avant-garde and experimental: literature, philosophy, science.

Homônumos magazine

Literature Science Philosophy

Call to authors: submission for homônumos magazine

Third Issue

Deadline submission: 15 Decembre 2006 (re-writes and finals January 2007)

Theme: Infinity

Color: indigo

Note: we've filled poems in English for no.2 quota. Please check with us regarding previously sent material. Some amazing writings are in pre-selection. We will contact you soon.

Fourth Issue

Theme: Language

Color: blue

Fifth Issue

Theme: Intention

Color: Green

Sixth Issue

Theme: Pleasure: seeking pleasure and avoiding displeasure

Color: yellow

Type: Avant-garde literature philosophy science

Publishing rate: magazine published four times per year

Payment: none

Distribution:1000~10 000 copies (Beijing Shanghai. Vancouver Bangkok Hong Kong Paris London coming soon. Your local multilingual multicultural bookshop.)

Print and (with approval, partial) on-line

Cost: 30rmb~35rmb (3euros~3.5euros)

Extra: Annual compilation (fixed payment)

Homônumos Mission

Open an outlet for intelligent, refined, artistic, experimental, daring, non-confrontational writing. Focus on multiculturalism and multilingual. Professionals and amateurs equally considered. The brain is an organ which needs to be cultivated, to be fed. Homônumos encourages the authors to push the limit of their fineness, flair, intelligence, and creativity. Content fusion of cultures (east meets west etc) is a must. An annual publication is in the works, containing the best (hopefully all) works in its full length (no word limitation). Homônumos magazine hopes to foster literacy in its utmost light, making it accessible for all to write. Hence accessible for all to read, albeit never giving into complacency. Homônumos is not an information magazine. Therefore we cannot accept journalistic type stories. The material chosen for print has an intemporal sense. So far, people from nations all over the world including locals in China, have taken part in homônumos.

"The idol of the day …Phoenicians."



Try to work the idea and deliver it to us as a rough. Works in progress (including scribbled notes etc) are most welcome. Finish pieces are not as thought stirring. Concentrate on LITERATURE PHILOSOPHY SCIENCE.

The best way to know what "avant garde" is and what "experimental" means is to google it. Zines (print or on-line) abound. Avant-garde is an 'old' movement but homônumos takes the definition for what it originally meant: forward.

Will do: beautiful literature, thought stirring, avant-garde themes, experimental written organization, word art, possibilities and novel ideas, sensual, ground breaking theories, observation, discoveries, brainiac, nerdy, eccentric, schizophrenic.

Will not do: political, slandering of parties, conspiracy theory, sexually explicit, coming off drugs black cloud rambling, unauthorized reproduction, the expatriate lost in China culture shock theme, journalism of mass.

Written material:

-Short stories (facts, fictions)

-Poems and graphic word

-Essay and thesis (scheme and structure, manifesto, hypothesis, including notes and project drafts)

-Philosophy (thoughts, ideas, insights)

-Lyrics, music composition

-Science (discoveries or hypothesis. Social science. Natural science. Anthropology ethnology. Bio and mechanics. Economics. Politics of betterments. Sustainable development and alternative energy. Cooking. A thought, and a search for a proof. An installation and explanations. A recipe. A map. A graph.)

"The world is not for everyone to understand. Not understanding everything is a positive statement meaning that some things are being understood." Cricri

Image material:

One color+black and empty (white)


Constant fields: character study (Christine Bellerose), editorial (Virginie), yiren (homônumos), architecture, tango, poem, short story, image.



70% English (including all other foreign languages)

30% Chinese (including translation)

Write in your mother tongue. Looking for all and any languages.

Homônumos is a multilingual magazine, with predominance in English language, reserving a space of at least 30% to Chinese script (including translation). The letter from the editor is written in English, French, and Chinese. Homônumos prints work in their original language while translating them in English when space count allows for it.  

Word count:

            50 words (one page-A5)

            300-700 words (two pages-A5)

            2000 words (four pages-A5)

First come, first serve. Some writings maybe published in slabs. The projection of annual compilation will be the releasing of full-length writings. In other words, if you have a 3000-words essay, shorten into a summary, or give us a sample. 

Original material. Re-prints with approval of original copyright. No plagiarism.

We do not own rights to your writing. If you are thinking to publish it simultaneously, see with us for details.

For submission info,


Subject line mandatory:

[SUB: homonumos (title) (author name)]

Please identify your submission clearly, send as rtf file preferably to avoid virus mailing. Submission hand delivery, fax, please inquire to above email.

Distribution: (Beijing) The Bookworm, Imagine Gallery (Beijing 798 Dashanzi) Red T space, Timezone8, Litou Space, Thinking Hands (DIAF) (Beijing Houhai) One Way Street (soon) (Shanghai) Marienbad café (Chengdu) The Bookworm (soon)

(Bangkok Thailand, Vancouver Canada, coming soon) Forecast: national, international.

Readership: multilingual multicultural outlets. Art galleries and art café. Learning institutions.

If you wish to distribute, or obtain a review copy, please email

Spread the word…

It's a powerful experience.

Founder and Chief editor

Christine Bellerose alias cricri alias 桂花

+86 13522722271 (blocked in China)

About us:

Christine has dabbled in an eclectic procession of arts, from poetry, playwriting, classical guitar, stage drama, classical modern and tango dancing, fashion designing and fashion styling, back to writing. In the midst of it she traveled and lived in many countries. In 2004 she broke the rule that writers can't show with a word installation at Imagine Gallery (Beijing). Her French-English erotic compilation, "The Writhing/Les E-Cris, was published for the event. She has written her first book, Grasshopper, and plowing through the next ones, Process Cheese and Three ghosts. Her published erotica (French) is on Rêve Bébé and Plume Rose, (English) Foreign Affairs: Erotic Travel Tales edited by Mitzi Szereto at Cleis Press. She also performs her work (From Yuanmingyuan to 798 poetry performance (South Gate Space), other poetry performances (Hart cafe DIAF 2006 2005, Bookworm, Sculpting in Time). This May 2006 she launched her homônumos avant-garde and experimental magazine in Beijing (literary philosophy science in English French and Chinese and etc.) Erotica is a recurrent theme in her writing, as well as humor, wit, cultural imagery, and folk myths.

Christine was born in Montreal Canada. She thinks in many languages; speaks French, English, Chinese, and, (mushy) Spanish. Born on the day women never marry (25 November), on the sexiest possible year (69), with an IQ well above the norm, slightly dyslexic, synesthesist, twisted, brainiac, weird or unique. A natural outcast. Picked up writing at a young age, dabbed in the arts all her life, turned to making money in her 30’s, came to China after a short stay in Vietnam, decided money was not all that necessary. Currently pursuing her dream of becoming a famous writer. Forever grateful to Wang Lei (her idol). She came to Beijing (2002) to be part of the artist community, lived in a Chinese house on the outskirts of Beijing, equipped with work in progress courtyard, lotus tubs, and a backhouse with a light bulb. Moved back to Beijing center in 2005. Recently converted to tango dancing and scuba diving. Did plays as amateur, (…) as provocateur. Putting out a literature magazine because. (see Project at a glance) In awe what with realizing there are geeks out in Beijing. Today she lives in Beijing, with her aging canine companion Pirelli


Virginie Mangin

Virginie Mangin is a French journalist living in Beijing. She moved to China from Paris over two years ago in search of something different. Prior to joining homônumos, she participated in the founding of "Transfuge", a French literature magazine in Paris. As well, she contributed to "Summer Times", a radio literary show. Now based in Beijing, she divides her time between working part-time for a news agency, and engaging in artistic activities. Virginie has written many short stories. She is currently working on her first novel.

Art Director

Anna Sodupe Gallén


homonumos magazine
  • Sommaire de la revue homônumos. Une revue multiculturelle multilingue qui traite de philosophie littérature science. Matériel avant-guarde innovatif idées brouillons. Créer à Pékin China. Thinking homônumos thoughts events: (
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